WOD: Slightly modified from OneWorld

Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Box Jump (24")
KB Swing (45lb)
KB Goblet Squat (45lb)
Choose: Run 100m -or- 30 double Unders -or- 7 Burpees

NOTES: Feel free to use a DB instead of a KB...scale as needed
Also, the workout calls for the 100m run but I can't do taht at my gym so I arbitrarily made up some other items and the conversions may not be fair...too bad.  I will likely do double unders
This is the first post that will begin to follow the Wendler 5-3-1 strength program.  I have decided that I need some real "programming" in order to improve as opposed to just picking workouts (and let's face it, we all do)
Expect that 4 times/week I will post a Wendler workout, based on MY 1RM that we found out on Wednesday.  Part of the program is that you also do other work so I will post that to and a lot of it is CrossFit.

The basics will be this:
Day 1: Squat work + crossfit
Day 2: Bench Press + Olympic lift work + Pull up progression
Day 3: Deadlift + CrossFit
Day 4: Overhead Press + Olympic lift work + Pull up progression
Possible Days 5/6: CrossFit

So, for Saturday(tomorrow), here is the workout:
Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (145lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (165lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (185lb)

*Notes: the program deducts 10% off your Max that we got to the other day and uses that as your Max calculations.  I have put my weights in ().  When I say AMRAP I mean 'As many REPS as possible' on that last set, GO ALL OUT

OTMEM 8 minutes
1 Deadlift (225lb)
5 Bar facing Burpee
7 Goblet Squats (45lb)

*Notes: 'OTMEM' means 'On the minute every minute'
Bar facing burpee - Face the deadlift bar, do a burpee, jump over the bar, turn around, next burpee
Goblet Squat - Feel free to use dumbbell or kettlebell
SDHP (70lb) - Sumo deadlift high pull (maybe look it up)
Dive bomber push up
Goblet Squat (70lb DB)

10 minute cutoff

Penalty: 25 burpee box jumps
30 sit ups

Sumo deadlift high pull is basically get in a wide stance, close grip on the bar (if you have a Kettle bell that heavy, use that today), good form deadlift and then almost like you are going to clean it, you want to explode the bar up to your chin with your elbows flaired out.  This should not feel like you are really pulling with your arms, you should get it up there from the force of your legs and just guide it with your arms.

We are going to try to mimic Littleton in terms of creating more time cutoffs and penalties to increase the intensity when working out alone.  If you can't do a workout RX'd you always want to scale such that the time cutoff isn't guaranteed nor is it impossible.  Make it hard on yourself so that you get better!
5 rounds
400m run
30 box jumps (24")
30 wall ball (20lb) or 30 goblet squat (25lb)

The actual workout is for a 20lb wall ball but most of us don't have the wall to use or a 20lb medicine ball.  I upped the weight a little bit on the goblet squat to account for not throwing it.